eX-kit Achieve! Grade 10 Mathematics: Geometry and Trigonometry (Modules 6, 7, 8)” (9781775787402)


eX-kit Achieve! Grade 10 Mathematics: Geometry and Trigonometry (Modules 6, 7, 8)
eX-kit Achieve! Grade 10 Mathematics: Geometry and Trigonometry (Modules 6, 7, 8)
K Morrison, F Heany
K, F
Morrison, Heany
Pearson SA
Pearson Education Southern Africa

SKU: 9781775787402 Category:


X-Kit Achieve! Mathematics Grade 10 is a CAPS-compliant study guide that includes concise explanations, and plenty of practice and sample test and exam papers with answers. The series has been developed based on research and feedback from learners and teachers. It offers graded maths exercises that cover understanding, application and problem-solving skills.

X-Kit Achieve! Mathematics Grade 10 Study Guide (Modules 6 to 8) eChapter covers the following topics:

  • Module 6: Euclidian geometry and measurement;
  • Module 7: Trigonometry; and
  • Module 8: Analytical geometry.

This eBook is in ePDF format, which enables you to:

  • View the entire book offline on desktop or tablet;
  • Search for and highlight text; and
  • Add and edit personal notes directly in your eBook.


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