“Ntlhomole Mmutlwa Grade 12 HL Novel ePUB (1 year licence)” (9780636204331) ePdf


Ntlhomole Mmutlwa Grade 12 HL Novel ePUB (perpetual licence)
Ntlhomole Mmutlwa Grade 12 HL Novel ePUB (perpetual licence)
Lobelo, OM
Maskew Miller Longman
Pearson Education Southern Africa

SKU: 9780636204331 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Matsetseleko, jaaka leina la gagwe le itlhalosa, o nna matsetseleko mo go boneng gore maikemisetso le ditoro tsa gagwe di a diragala. Otlogela legae le gagwe, ka pelo e e botlhoko, go ya go senka bokamoso jo bo botoka. Batsadi ba Matsetseleko ba lemoga fa ngwana a ineile naga, ba leka ka tsotlhe gore a bonwe goa pala. Erile a setse a bone katlego a kopana le batho ba batla go mo tlhomola mmutlwa gore a gate a gatoga. Bofelong o boela gae a fitlha a tlhomola motse wa gaabo a o tlhabolola. Padi e humileng ka Setswana keya ya ga OM Lobelo o tswileng mo legatong la bobedi mo ngwageng wa 2010 mo Literature Awards. Barutwana batla ithuta ka go nna le maikaelelo le ditoro go di sireletsa le go di diragatsa. Matsetseleko is motivated by his name to chase after his dreams even if it involves sacrifices. He runs away from home and his parents try unsuccessfully to find him. Through his adventures, he realises that he can achieve his goals only with the help of others. Having realised his dreams, he goes back to his community to help others. This eBook is a digital version of the printed, CAPS-approved book. Benefits of the ePUB format include: • The ability to view on a desktop computer, notebook or tablet; • As learners adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, content reflows to fit the device’s screen giving the user a more flexible experience; and • Learners can take notes, highlight and bookmark, and access video and audio for visual learning.


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